People & Partners
When did you start working with Greater Tacoma Community Foundation (GTCF)?
Briefly describe what you do in your role with GTCF
I joined GTCF as a member of the Ambassador Committee in 2018, joined the Board in 2019, and became Chair in 2021.
What is the most exciting part of your role with GTCF?
I love the community ties that go with GTCF and recognizing that by working with others, we can make a difference for Pierce County.
What other jobs or positions have you held?
Most of my professional career was in all three branches of state government, including as State Representative, Chief Administrative Law Judge, and Judge on the Court of Appeals. But I first came to Pierce County as a VISTA volunteer and community organizer with the Tacoma Community House and Tacoma Urban League. I've also taught law at UPS/Seattle U Law School and was in private practice at Davies Pearson. In the non-profit world, I've chaired Planned Parenthood boards, Tahoma Audubon Society, Pierce County AIDS Foundation, Legal Foundation of Washington, and others.
Outside of GTCF, what enjoyable activity do you engage in? What brings you joy?
I've loved watching birds since I was 12 years old.
What activity, place, or event do you recommend other people check out in Pierce County?
Check out nature in Pierce County, whether at a local park, lake, bay, mountain, or even your own yard.
What is the most inspiring book that you have read and why?
I love The Lord of the Rings because it is THE epic mythical journey and quest. I read the entire book aloud to my son -- twice.